Category Archives: Ease IVR pain

RADISH NEWSLETTER: Visual IVR for United Way

When calling Foothills United Way and a live person can’t answer, the new Visual Directory powered by ChoiceView Visual IVR makes it much easier and …

Disappearing Staff? Try Visual IVR to Ease Pain so Customers Re-Appear.

Have you noticed that there are fewer people to answer your calls to organizations? With high employment rates and people leaving for higher paying jobs, …

Do You Make Critical IVR Mistakes?

Radish’s partner, IVR Technology Group, asks “Are You Making These Mistakes In Your IVR System?” And, an additional mistake is NOT adding ‘voice with visuals’ …

Explain a Maze?

Describe a maze and you’re talking in circles. But show a picture and it’s clear what you mean. Adding visuals to voice calls on a …

“Impactful” CO Social Impact Marketplace

Radish featured it’s “voice with visuals” ChoiceView IVR capability for Healthcare, Fitness and Food. The annual pre-Thanksgiving event in Denver showcased social impact organizations for …