Category Archives: voice with visuals

Disappearing Staff? Try Visual IVR to Ease Pain so Customers Re-Appear.

Have you noticed that there are fewer people to answer your calls to organizations? With high employment rates and people leaving for higher paying jobs, …

NEWS: Visual IVR Market is Growing

Industry analysts agree that the market for Visual IVR (Visual Interactive Voice Response) solutions for businesses is growing and growing fast. It’s catching some vendors …

Next-Gen at Enterprise Connect

  When you update on next-gen communications at Enterprise Connect this year, also plan to meet with Radish Systems’ CEO and CTO, respectively Theresa Szczurek …

Explain a Maze?

Describe a maze and you’re talking in circles. But show a picture and it’s clear what you mean. Adding visuals to voice calls on a …

Donate Today to Clinica Tepeyac — Improve Communications for Medically Underserved

Support @ClinicaTepeyac to fund #diabetes coaching w/ #VisualIVR & Visual Live Assistance. Improve #health and care, reduce costs for medically underserved. Donate today @ColoradoGives 12/5/2017. …